Honda Civic manuals

Honda Civic Owners Manual: Tire Sizes

Whenever tires are replaced, they should be replaced with tires of the same size.

Tire Labeling

Following is an example of tire size with an explanation of what each component means.

P205/55 R16 89H

P: Vehicle type (P indicates passenger vehicle).

205: Tire width in millimeters.

55: Aspect ratio (the tire's section height as a percentage of its width).

R: Tire construction code (R indicates radial).

16: Rim diameter in inches.

89: Load index (a numerical code associated with the maximum load the tire can carry).

H: Speed symbol (an alphabetical code indicating the maximum speed rating).

Tire Labeling
The tires that came on your vehicle have a number of markings. Those you should be aware of are described below. ...

Tire Identification Number (TIN)
The tire identification number (TIN) is a group of numbers and letters that look like the example in the side column. TIN is located on the sidewall of the tire. Tire Identification Num ...

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