Honda Civic manuals

Honda Civic Service Manual: Rear Knuckle Removal and Installation (Natural Gas models)

Honda Civic Service Manual / Chassis / Suspension / Knuckles / Rear Knuckle Removal and Installation (Natural Gas models)

1. Rear Knuckle/Hub Bearing Unit Exploded View

Exploded View


NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during this procedure.

1. Vehicle Lift


Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is securely supported.

2. Rear Wheel


Remove the rear wheel.

3. Rear Brake Drum

Frequent inhalation of brake shoe dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health.

Avoid breathing dust particles.

Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.


Release the parking brake.


Remove the brake drum (A).


If necessary, turn the adjuster bolt (B) with a flat-tip screwdriver until the shoes become loose.

If the brake drum is stuck to the hub bearing unit, thread two 8 x 1.25 mm or 12 x 1.25 mm bolts (C) into the brake drum to push it away from the hub bearing unit. Turn each bolt 90 degrees at a time to prevent the brake drum from binding.

4. Rear Hub Bearing Unit


Remove the hub bearing unit (A).


For some models: Remove the O-ring (B).

5. Rear Brake Shoe and Backing Plate Assembly

Do not spill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint. If brake fluid gets on the paint, wash it off immediately with water.


Disconnect the brake line (A) from the wheel cylinder (B).

NOTE: After removal, plug the ends of the hoses and the joints to prevent spilling brake fluid.


Remove the backing plate (C) with brake shoes assembly from the knuckle.

6. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor and Brake Hose Mounting Bracket


Remove the wheel speed sensor (A).

NOTE: Do not disconnect the wheel speed sensor connector.


Remove the brake hose mounting bracket (B).

7. Rear Trailing Arm - Jack Support


Place a floor jack under the trailing arm to support it.

NOTE: Do not place the jack against the plate section of the lower arm. Be careful not to damage any suspension components.

8. Rear Upper Arm Knuckle Side - Disconnection



Remove the flange bolt (A).


Disconnect the upper arm (B) from the knuckle (C).

9. Rear Knuckle Upper Bracket


Remove the rear knuckle upper bracket (A).

10. Rear Trailing Arm Knuckle Side - Disconnection


Mark the cam positions of the adjusting bolt (A) with the frame.


Mark the cam positions of the adjusting cam plate (B) with the frame.


Remove the self-locking nut (C), the adjusting cam plate, and the adjusting bolt.


Remove the flange bolt (D).


Disconnect the knuckle from the trailing arm.

NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during this procedure.

1. Rear Trailing Arm Knuckle Side - Reconnection



Connect the knuckle to the trailing arm.


Loosely install the new flange bolt (A).


Loosely install the new self-locking nut (B), the adjusting cam plate (C), and the new adjusting bolt (D).

NOTE: Align the cam positions of the adjusting bolt and the adjusting cam plate with the marked positions when tightening the self-locking nut.

2. Rear Knuckle Upper Bracket


Install the rear knuckle upper bracket (A).

3. Rear Upper Arm Knuckle Side - Reconnection



Connect the upper arm (A) to the knuckle (B).


Loosely install the new flange bolt (C).

4. Rear Suspension All Mounting - Tighten Under Vehicle's Weight


Raise the rear suspension with a floor jack to load the vehicle weight.


Tighten all mounting hardware to the specified torque.

5. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor and Brake Hose Mounting Bracket


Install the brake hose mounting bracket (A).


Install the wheel speed sensor (B).

6. Rear Brake Shoe and Backing Plate Assembly


Install the backing plate (A) with brake shoes assembly from the knuckle.


Connect the brake line (B) to the wheel cylinder (C).

7. Rear Hub Bearing Unit


For some models: Install the new O-ring (A).


Install the hub bearing unit (B).

8. Rear Brake Drum

Frequent inhalation of brake shoe dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health.

Avoid breathing dust particles.

Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.


Install the brake drum (A).


Before installing the brake drum, clean the mating surfaces between the hub bearing unit and the inside of the brake drum.

After installation, press the brake pedal several times to make sure the brakes work and self adjust the brake shoes. Do not drive the vehicle before doing this procedure.

9. Brake System - Bleeding (Natural Gas Model)

Do not spill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint. If brake fluid does contact the paint, wash it off immediately with water.


Do not reuse the drained fluid. Use only new Honda DOT 3 Brake Fluid from an unopened container. Using a non-Honda brake fluid can cause corrosion and shorten the life of the system.

Make sure no dirt or other foreign matter gets in the brake fluid.

The reservoir connected to the master cylinder must be at the MAX (upper) level mark at the start of the bleeding procedure and checked after bleeding each wheel. Add fluid as required.

There are three different methods used for bleeding brake systems. The method shown here is the preferred manual method for removing the air from the system. For pressure or vacuum bleeding, refer to tool manufacturer's instructions included with the tool.


Make sure the brake fluid level in the reservoir tank (A) is at the MAX (upper) level line (B).



Start the bleeding at the driver's side of the front brake system.

NOTE: Bleed the calipers in the sequence shown.




Attach a length of clear drain tube (A) to the bleed screw (B).


Submerge the other end of the drain tube into a clear plastic catch bottle of brake fluid (C).


Have an assistant slowly pump the brake pedal several times then apply steady continuous pressure.


Loosen the bleed screw slowly to bleed the fluid into the plastic catch bottle. The brake pedal will travel toward the floor as the fluid is bled from the system.


When the brake pedal reaches the floor, have the assistant hold the pedal in that position, then tighten the bleed screw. The brake pedal can now be released.


Check and refill the master cylinder reservoir tank to the MAX (upper) level line. Be sure to reinstall the master cylinder reservoir cap.


Repeat steps 5 thru 8 until the brake fluid in the clear drain tube appears fresh and there are no air bubbles in the fluid.


Repeat this procedure for each brake in the bleeding sequence.

10. Rear Wheel



Install the rear wheel.

NOTE: Before installing the wheel, clean the mating surfaces between the brake disc or the brake drum and the inside of the wheel.

11. Pre-Alignment Checks

For proper inspection and adjustment of the wheel alignment, do these checks:


Release the parking brake to avoid an incorrect measurement.


Make sure the suspension is not modified.


Make sure the fuel tank is full, and that the tire repair kit, the spare tire, the jack, and the tools are in place on the vehicle.


Check the tire size and tire pressure according to tire information.

12. Camber - Inspection

Use commercially available computerized four wheel alignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (caster, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equipment manufacturer's instructions.


Check the camber angle.

USA and Canada models

Camber angle:


Except Si:



0 ° 00 ’±30 ’



-0 ° 45 ’±45 ’


Si (Without 18 inch wheel):



-0 ° 04 ’±30 ’



-0 ° 52 ’±45 ’


Si (With 18 inch wheel):



-0 ° 18 ’±30 ’



-0 ° 45 ’±45 ’

(Maximum difference between the front right and left side: 0 ° 45 ’)

Mexico models

Camber angle:



0 ° 20 ’±30 ’



-0 ° 22 ’±45 ’

(Maximum difference between the front right and left side: 0 ° 45 ’)

If the measurement is within specification, measure the toe-in.

If the measurement for the front camber is not within the specification, go to front camber adjustment.

If the measurement for the rear camber is not within the specification, check for bent or damaged suspension components.

13. Rear Toe - Inspection

Use commercially available computerized four wheel alignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (caster, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equipment manufacturer's instructions.


Release the parking brake to avoid an incorrect measurement.


Check the toe.

Rear toe-in: 2+2-1 mm (0.08+0.08-0.04 in)

If adjustment is required, go to the rear toe adjustment.

If no adjustment is required, go to front toe inspection.

Rear Knuckle Removal and Installation (Disc Brake)
4181C3 LEFT 4181C4 RIGHT 4181C2 BOTH 1. Rear Knuckle/Hub Bearing Unit Exploded View Exploded View knucklemmu....lassmuandsrusuforandlarumrmconauand ...


See also:

Honda Civic Owners Manual. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
ABS Helps prevent the wheels from locking up, and helps you retain steering control by pumping the brakes rapidly, much faster than you. The electronic brake distribution (EBD) system, which is part of the ABS, also balances the front-to-rear braking distribution according to vehicle loading ...

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