Honda Civic Service Manual: Front Brake Pad Removal and Installation (Except Natural Gas models)

Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could
be hazardous to your health.

Avoid breathing dust particles.

Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use
an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.
Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is securely supported.
Remove some brake fluid from the master cylinder.

Remove both front wheels.

Remove the flange bolt (A).
Pivot the caliper body (B) up out of the way.

Be careful when pivoting the caliper body up
or the spring could pop out of position.

Check the hose and pin boots for damage and deterioration.

Remove the pad return springs (A).
Remove the pad shims (A) and the brake pads (B).
5. |
Front Brake Pad Retainer and Caliper Bracket Clean and Check |

Remove the pad retainers (A).
NOTE: Except 14 inch brake caliper, the upper and lower pad retainers
are different. During installation, make sure the pad retainers
are in the proper positions.
Clean the caliper bracket (B) thoroughly; remove any rust, and
check for grooves and cracks.
Verify that the caliper pins (C) move in and out smoothly. Clean
and lube the pins if needed.

Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could
be hazardous to your health.

Avoid breathing dust particles.

Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use
an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.
1. |
Front Brake Pad Retainer and Caliper Bracket Clean and Check |

Apply a thin coat of M-77 assembly paste (P/N 08798-9010) to
the retainer mating surface of the caliper bracket (indicated by
the arrows).
Install the pad retainers (A).

Wipe off the excess assembly paste from the retainers.
Keep the assembly paste away from the brake disc
and the brake pads.

Except 14 inch brake caliper: Make sure that
the pad retainers are installed correctly.

Install the brake caliper piston compressor tool.
Press in the piston with the brake caliper piston compressor
NOTE: Be careful when pressing in the piston; brake fluid might
overflow from the master cylinder's reservoir. If brake fluid gets
on any painted surface, wash it off immediately with water.
Make sure the piston boot is in position to prevent damaging
it when pivoting the caliper body down.
Remove the brake caliper piston compressor tool.

Apply a thin coat of M-77 assembly paste (P/N 08798-9010) to
the pad side of the shims (A), the back of the brake pads (B), and
the other areas indicated by the arrows.
NOTE: Wipe off the excess assembly paste from the pad shims and
brake pads friction material.
Install the brake pads and the pad shims.
NOTE: Install the brake pad with the wear indicator (C) on the
upper inside position.

Install the pad return springs (A).

Pivot the caliper body (A) down into position.
Install the flange bolt (B).
Press the brake pedal several times to make sure the brakes work.
NOTE: Engagement may require a greater pedal stroke immediately
after the brake pads have been replaced as a set. Several applications
of the brake pedal will restore the normal pedal stroke.
Install both front wheels.
NOTE: Before installing the wheel, clean the mating surfaces
between the brake disc and the inside of the wheel.
Add brake fluid as needed.
Vehicle Lift
Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is securely supported.
2. ...
See also:
Honda Civic Owners Manual. Temperature
The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C,
representing the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its
ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions
on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high
temperature can cause the material of the tire ...