Honda dealership personnel are trained professionals who should be able to deal with any problems you may encounter with your vehicle. If, however, you are faced with a problem that they cannot resolve to your satisfaction, contact Honda Customer Services.
U.S. Owners
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Honda Automobile Customer Services
Mail Stop 500-2N-7A
1919 Torrance Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90501-2746
Tel: 1 (800) 999-1009
Canadian Owners
Honda Canada Inc.
Customer Relations
180 Honda Boulevard
Markham, ON
L6C 0H9
Tel: 1-888-9-HONDA-9
Fax: 1-877-939-0909
In Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Bella International
P.O. Box 190816
San Juan, PR 00919-0816
Tel: 1 (787) 620-7546
Customer Service Information When you call or write, please give us the following information:
Honda Civic Owners Manual. Battery
Checking the Battery
Check the battery terminals for corrosion
If your vehicle's battery is disconnected or goes dead:
The audio system is disabled.
The clock* resets.
The navigation system* is disabled.
Canadian models only The immobilizer system needs to be