Adjust the driver's seat-back to a comfortable, upright position, leaving ample space between your chest and the airbag cover in the center of the steering wheel.
The front seat passenger should also adjust their seat-back to a comfortable, upright position.
Reclining a seat-back so that the shoulder part of the belt no longer rests against the occupant's chest reduces the protective capability of the belt. It also increases the chance of sliding under the belt in a crash and being seriously injured. The farther a seat-back is reclined, the greater the risk of injury.
Reclining the seat-back too far can result in serious injury or death in a crash.
Adjust the seat-back to an upright position, and sit well back in the seat.
Do not put a cushion, or other object, between the seat-back and your back.
Doing so may interfere with proper seat belt or airbag operation.
If you cannot get far enough away from the steering wheel and still reach the controls, we recommend that you investigate whether some type of adaptive equipment may help.
Honda Civic Owners Manual. Smart Entry Remote Reminder
Warning buzzers may sound from inside and/
or outside the vehicle to remind you that the
smart entry remote is out of the vehicle. If the
buzzer continues even after the remote is put
back inside, place it within the system’s
operational range.
When the power mode is in ON
If the smart ...