Honda Civic manuals

Honda Civic Owners Manual: Low Beam Headlights

Models with halogen headlights

Models with halogen headlights

  1. Push the tab to remove the coupler.
  2.  Rotate the old bulb counter-clockwise to remove.
  3.  Insert a new bulb into the headlight assembly and turn it clockwise.
  4.  Insert the coupler into the connector of the bulb.
High Beam Headlight
Models with halogen headlights Push the tab to remove the coupler.  Rotate the old bulb counter-clockwise to remove.  Insert a new bulb into the headlight assembly and turn i ...

Fog Light Bulbs
When replacing, use the following bulbs. Fog Light: 35 W (H8 for halogen bulb type) Remove the clips using a flat-tip screwdriver, remove the bolt, and push up the under cover. ...

See also:

Honda Civic Owners Manual. Phone Setup
To pair a cell phone (when there is no phone paired to the system)  Select Phone.  Select Yes.  Make sure your phone is in search or discoverable mode, then select Continue.  HFL automatically searches for a Bluetooth device.  Select your phone w ...

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